A place to find meal providers geared to health and fitness. We don’t include just any meal provider so you won’t find takeaways, cafes and those you would normally find on Ubereats. We also don’t sell anything.
(plus plenty of other insightful and cool health & fitness articles).
This isn’t a sponsored website. Far from it.
In fact, it’s been put together from thousands of detailed user-submitted reviews so you know the information you’re getting is unbiased and based on real experience from real customers.
Created by a dedicated team of meal prep, food and workout enthusastis, all other information on mealprep.com.au is written by expert writers in the field who’ve dedicated hundreds of hours of research to try, test and give you the best information possible on the world of health and fitness.
And in our books, it all starts with food (food we don’t have to make!)
Where to start? Take a look at some of our most popular articles (like the best low calorie snacks, the best meal prep containers, meal replacement shakes & low calorie chocolate).
Questions? Get in touch! We’d love to chat.
Happy eating!
A place to find meal providers geared to health and fitness. We don’t include just any meal provider so you won’t find takeaways, cafes and those you would normally find on Ubereats. We also don’t sell anything.
This site helps us test design hypotheses and new technology before making our their way over to our clients. No user information is shared – just the strategy, design psychology and technology used. There are some affiliate links around the site, but they are edited in after and do not influence the recommendations. We’re sick of seeing “Best” lists recommending only products on Amazon too.
If you know of a good provider that should be added, let us know here! Same goes for business owners if you’re reading this – fill out the form and we’ll gladly add you to the site free!
Yes, all reviews made on the site are real – we don’t import, scrape or make any fake reviews on our own. If you’d like access to the general demographic data, please reach out!
In the early stages all the reviews were driven from a Facebook campaign asking Australians to share their experience with a meal provider they’ve used.
As the site gained traction, more providers began working with us by asking their customers to leave a review on our site which helped them climb up the provider list.
Now we also have those looking for reviews on providers they want to try finding the site, and then sharing experiences on providers they’ve used.
All provider information is manually entered into our site. Getting pricing information proved to be quite difficult because prices change based on meal, sizing and bundling. So even if providers give us the information, we need to verify it so it’s in line with how we’ve listed all the others.
Typically the providers which have more reviews will get more attention from our team.
Prior to 1st September 2020, the order of providers were calculated by the highest average rating from providers with more than three reviews. This presented an obvious flaw where providers would rise to the top with only three 5 star reviews over those with a larger sample size but was rated at 4.9.
Then with the help of our good friend David Loi, we introducing a revised algorithm which added weight to these factors:
It’s not perfect and I’m sure we’ll find better ways to do it, but for now it’s an improvement. If you have suggestions, please send them through!
Yes we do, but we can’t guarantee that you’ll get a positive one to keep our integrity. We will however match you with the ideal reviewer based on profile so it aligns with your targeted audience.
We only use codes that have been given to us by providers because it helps them track any orders that originated from our site. We don’t take a cut to add your coupon code.
It also reduces the manual work to help keep the site updated because providers will send us the code, rather than us looking for them to keep it updated.