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What Ice-Cream Cravings Mean & How to Stop It

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! Look, who doesn’t love a scoop (or sometimes two or three) of ice-cream after dinner or on a really hot day? It’s sweet, creamy and just plain yum. And while many people think they have to give up ice-cream in order to lose weight, that’s actually not the case. You can still eat a scoop of ice-cream here and there and achieve your weight loss goals. It’s when you start to crave ice-cream and indulge a little too much or a little too often where you’ll start to hinder your weight loss results.

So, if you think you’re craving ice-cream more than normal and want to kick the ice-cream habit to the curb, we’ve got you covered. On this page, we’re covering things like what ice-cream cravings mean, how to stop ice-cream cravings and some recommendations of healthy food options when you’re craving ice-cream.

Reasons You Might Be Craving Ice-Cream

Cravings for ice-cream are both common and normal, but especially during times of stress, hot weather or hormonal changes. Here are some of the most common physical and psychological reasons you might be craving ice-cream:

  • Low blood sugar: When your blood sugar drops, your body may crave sugary foods to give you a quick energy boost, and ice-cream is one of the more tasty options.
  • Emotional eating: Ice-cream is a comfort food for many people and can be used as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or sadness.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: A craving for ice-cream may indicate a deficiency in certain nutrients like calcium, which of course there’s plenty of in ice-cream.
  • Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during menstruation or pregnancy, can cause cravings for sweet and creamy foods like ice-cream.
  • Habitual eating: Sometimes our cravings for certain foods are simply the result of routine or habit. If you’re used to having ice-cream after dinner, your body may start to crave it as a natural response to the routine.
  • Temperature regulation: In hot weather, you may crave cold foods like ice-cream as a way to cool down and regulate your body temperature.
  • Reward response: Our brains release dopamine, the feel-good chemical, in response to certain pleasurable activities, like eating ice-cream. This can create a craving for the reward response that comes with indulging in a sweet treat.

Are You Deficient In Calcium if You’re Craving Ice-Cream?

It’s possible that a craving for ice-cream could indicate a calcium deficiency in your body. Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in bone health, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Since ice-cream is a dairy product, it naturally contains a good amount of calcium.

However, there’s not enough scientific research or evidence to suggest an ice-cream craving is the result of a calcium deficiency, and cravings can in fact be caused by a variety of factors. The bottom line is it’s always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your nutrient intake or cravings. They can help you identify any deficiencies and recommend a plan to address them.

How to Stop Your Ice-Cream Cravings

If you find yourself constantly craving ice-cream and want to reduce your intake or cut it out altogether, there are several strategies you can try. Here are some tips to help you stop your ice-cream cravings:

Eat a balanced diet: Make sure you’re getting enough of all the nutrients your body needs. A balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and whole foods can help reduce cravings.

Stay hydrated: Sometimes cravings are actually a sign that your body is dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help you stay hydrated and reduce cravings.

Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can lead to increased cravings for sweet and high-fat foods, including ice-cream. Make sure you’re getting enough restful sleep each night.

Find healthy alternatives: Instead of reaching for ice-cream, try satisfying your sweet tooth with healthier alternatives, such as fruit, yoghurt, or smoothies.

Practise mindful eating: Pay attention to your body’s hunger signals and practise mindful eating. This means slowing down, savouring your food, and paying attention to how you feel while you eat.

Distract yourself: If you’re feeling a strong craving for ice-cream, try distracting yourself with another activity, such as going for a walk, doing some yoga, or reading a book.

Limit your exposure: Avoid keeping ice-cream in the house or in places where you’re likely to encounter it frequently. This can help reduce the temptation to indulge.

Remember, it’s okay to enjoy a treat like ice-cream in moderation. However, if you find that your cravings are interfering with your health or wellbeing, it’s important to take steps to address them. Try incorporating some of these strategies into your routine and see if they help reduce your cravings over time.

Healthy Foods to Eat When You’re Craving Ice-Cream

When you’re craving ice-cream, it can be tempting to reach for something sweet and creamy. However, there are plenty of healthy alternatives that can satisfy your cravings and provide your body with essential nutrients. Here are some healthy foods to eat when you’re craving ice-cream:

  • Frozen yoghurt: If you’re craving the creaminess of ice-cream, try swapping it out for frozen yoghurt. Look for varieties that are low in sugar and high in protein, and top with fresh fruit for added sweetness.
  • Fruit smoothies: Blend up a smoothie with your favourite fruit and some yoghurt or milk for a creamy texture. You can also add in some leafy greens or protein powder for extra nutrition.
  • Chia seed pudding: Mix chia seeds with almond milk or coconut milk, add some fruit or nuts for crunch, and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours to thicken up into a delicious and nutritious pudding.
  • Frozen bananas: Peel and freeze some ripe bananas, then blend them up in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy. You can also add in some peanut butter or cocoa powder for added flavour.
  • Greek yoghourt: Greek yoghourt is high in protein and makes a great base for a variety of sweet and savoury toppings. Try adding some honey, fruit, nuts, or granola for a healthy and satisfying snack.
  • Dark chocolate: If you’re craving something sweet and indulgent, try a piece of dark chocolate. Look for varieties that are high in cocoa content and low in sugar.
  • Berries: Fresh or frozen berries are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while also getting a dose of antioxidants and fibre.

Remember, it’s okay to enjoy a treat like ice-cream in moderation. However, incorporating more healthy options into your diet can help reduce cravings and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

It’s OK to Eat Ice-Cream in Small Amounts

It’s totally OK to eat ice-cream in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. However, if you find yourself craving ice-cream more often than usual, it may be worth addressing any underlying issues that could be causing these cravings. Try these tips and tricks, and if you’re seriously worried about your ice-cream cravings, it’s always a good idea to speak with a health professional.


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