The Ultimate Australian Meal Prep Resource started in 2018 as a blog with some meal reviews. It has since turned into a free resource to help you find the right meal provider driven by detailed user-submitted reviews.
Reviews are segmented into 3 groups because these audiences look for different things in meal providers, so they should be rated differently to one another.
Health seeker
Fitness enthusiast
mealprep home image

Top Rated Meal Providers

From 1,000+ independent reviews
Great for fitness enthusiasts

My Muscle Chef

Meals from $9.55
Many macro friendly options
From $15.00 per order
Dishes from Masterchef guests


Meals from $9.95
Tasty seasonal range
Flat $12.00 per order
Cheaper than major supermarkets


$4.99 - $6.99 per serving
Budget friendly option
From $9.99 per order

From our Editorial Team

Our Trusted Contributors

Valentina Duong

A nutritionist and powerlifter with numerous first place finishes at national and international competitions. Valentina's rediscovering joy, one snack at a time.
Why IIFYM/ Tracking Macros didn’t work for me Holiday Nutrition Tips To Prevent Weight Gain From A Registered Dietitian

Sarah Appleford

Sarah Appleford is a registered clinical nutritionist who believes achieving optimal health and wellbeing relies on living with intention.
Nutritionist Review: HerbiDoor Nutritionist Review: Aldi's World Kitchen Meals

Ally Burnie

Health & fitness journalist and presenter based in Melbourne/Naarm with a passion for – you guessed it - health and fitness, cooking, outdoor adventures, hiking, and travel.
From Their Kitchen to Yours With Our New Creator-Driven Recipe Hub Are Your Fave Health Influencers Really Trustworthy? Unpacking the Aspartame Scandal 


So what's this site all about?

What’s this site about?

A place to find meal providers geared to health and fitness. We don’t include just any meal provider so you won’t find takeaways, cafes and those you would normally find on Ubereats. We also don’t sell anything.

How much did it cost to make this site?

The evolution of the site took a more serious turn in early 2019 when we had a potential client (via in the food industry which we wanted to demonstrate our abilities for but alas it was not meant to be.

This site logged over 3,500 hours from a team of 8 in the last financial year between designers, developers, and project managers. It doesn’t include filming, editing, writing or paid advertising costs. Those in the industry can work out what the sunk cost.

It’s not all for nothing – we’ve been able to apply and test some cool things on this site to cross it off our bucket list.

How does this make money?

This site runs at a loss, but the silver lining is we’re able to test design hypotheses and new technology here before they make their way over to our clients as proof of concepts so we can speak from experience. No user information is shared – just the strategy, design psychology and technology used. There are some affiliate links around the site, but they are edited in after and do not influence the recommendations. I’m sick of seeing “Best” lists recommending only products on Amazon too.

Why can't I find the provider I use on the site?

If you know of a good provider that should be added, let us know here! Same goes for business owners if you’re reading this – fill out the form and we’ll gladly add you to the site free!

Are the reviews real?

Yes, all reviews made on the site are real – we don’t import, scrape or make any fake reviews on our own. If you’d like access to the general demographic data, please reach out!

How are the reviews made?

In the early stages all the reviews were driven from a Facebook campaign asking Australians to share their experience with a meal provider they’ve used.

As the site gained traction, more providers began working with us by asking their customers to leave a review on our site which helped them climb up the provider list.

Now we also have those looking for reviews on providers they want to try finding the site, and then sharing experiences on providers they’ve used.

How come some providers are missing details?

All provider information is manually entered into our site. Getting pricing information proved to be quite difficult because prices change based on meal, sizing and bundling. So even if providers give us the information, we need to verify it so it’s in line with how we’ve listed all the others.

Typically the providers which have more reviews will get more attention from our team.

How are the rankings calculated?

Prior to 1st September 2020, the order of providers were calculated by the highest average rating from providers with more than three reviews. This presented an obvious flaw where providers would rise to the top with only three 5 star reviews over those with a larger sample size but was rated at 4.9.

Then with the help of our good friend David Loi, we introducing a revised algorithm which added weight to these factors:

  • Was made within 45 days (more recent = more relevant)
  • Has an image attached to the review (more authentic)
  • Has made a written review (not just a rating)
  • Reviewer has made multiple reviews (shows balance)
  • Whether they would use it again (some reviewers rate harshly, but would still recommend the provider)
  • Number of reviews (shows popularity)

It’s not perfect and I’m sure we’ll find better ways to do it, but for now it’s an improvement. If you have suggestions, please send them through!

Do we run sponsored reviews?

Yes we do, but we can’t guarantee that you’ll get a positive one to keep our integrity. We will however match you with the ideal reviewer based on profile so it aligns with your targeted audience.

Why do only some providers show coupons and discounts codes?

We only use codes that have been given to us by providers because it helps them track any orders that originated from our site. We don’t take a cut to add your coupon code.

It also reduces the manual work to help keep the site updated because providers will send us the code, rather than us looking for them to keep it updated.