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Mexican Pizza

  • 1 Servings
  • Main meal
  • Mexican
  • Lacto ovo vegetarian
  • Vegetarian
  • Show more
84% Calculation confidence level


Protein 48% · 61g
Carbs 31% · 40g
Fat 20% · 26g
Protein 48% · 61g
Carbs 31% · 40g
Fat 20% · 26g
Cal per serving 600 kcal
Calculated figures using common products found in the ingredients list amount to 503.54 calories, 23.06 protein, 78.75 carbs, and 12.53 fat per serve(1).


  • 2 60 calorie carb balance tortillas
  • 5oz. 93/7 beef
  • 50g reduced fat cheddar
  • 1/4 cup enchilada sauce
  • 50g fat free cottage cheese
  • 1 tbsp nacho cheese
  • Taco seasoning
  • Tomato
  • Green onion