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PB CHOCCY brownies

  • 8 Servings
  • Dessert
  • Unknown
  • Gluten Free
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91% Calculation confidence level


Protein 28% · 11g
Carbs 60% · 24g
Fat 13% · 5g
Protein 28% · 11g
Carbs 60% · 24g
Fat 13% · 5g
Cal per serving 162 kcal
Calculated figures using common products found in the ingredients list amount to 179.51 calories, 11.36 protein, 24.77 carbs, and 5.33 fat per serve(8).


  • 150g oats
  • 100g yogurt fat free
  • 2 scoops @womensbest chocolate whey ad
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 medium bananas
  • 100-150ml almond milk
  • 20g cocoa powder
  • 30g peanut butter
  • 20g dark chocolate