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Pumpkin Pancakes

  • 1 Servings
  • Breakfast
  • Unknown
  • Gluten Free
  • Lacto ovo vegetarian
  • Vegetarian
  • Show more
100% Calculation confidence level


Protein 38% · 43g
Carbs 53% · 60g
Fat 10% · 11g
Protein 38% · 43g
Carbs 53% · 60g
Fat 10% · 11g
Cal per serving 519 kcal
Calculated figures using common products found in the ingredients list amount to 519.85 calories, 37.81 protein, 56.99 carbs, and 15.09 fat per serve(1).


  • 65g oat flour
  • 110g light cottage cheese
  • 60g pure pumpkin
  • 90g egg whites
  • 1 egg
  • 15g @e.d.smithfoods sugar free maple syrup
  • 3g baking powder
  • 3g cinnamon
  • 4ml vanilla extract